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Aboriginal Women & Policy Development: Aboriginal Women's Conference Report

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Women's Conference Report
Provincial Aboriginal Women's Conference ; 4th, 2009
Documents & Presentations
Judy White
Luanne Leamon
Tammy Drew
Stella Saunders
Melita Paul ... [et al.]
Historical overview of Aboriginal women and how gender based analysis could be applied to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples 64: Gander Hotel, Gander, Newfoundland

Documents & Presentations
RCAP 64 contains files from the sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at the Gander Hotel in Gander, Newfoundland on Thursday, November 5, 1992. RCAP 64 includes presentations by a variety of Band officials, an Aboriginal Youth Group, and the Federation of Newfoundland Indians. Each submission can be viewed individually on this site.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples 64: Opening Prayer and Opening Remarks

Documents & Presentations
File contains an opening prayer and opening remarks on the occasion of the sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at the Gander Hotel, Gander, Newfoundland, on Thursday, November 5, 1992. Chief Lawrence Jeddore commences the session with an opening prayer followed by opening remarks by Commissioner Georges Erasmus. Commissioner Erasmus discusses the mandate and goals of the Commission, as well as welcoming the participants and introducing the Commission's officials.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Bartlett's Harbour Band, Elaine Myers, Acting Chief

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Acting Chief Elaine Myers, Bartlett's Harbour Indian Band Council. Myers discusses the history of the Band Council, which represents approximately 550 Non-Status people. Myers highlights a variety of concerns including unemployment, education, social problems, policing, family issues, housing issues, a lack of recreation facilities, economic problems, fisheries, literacy concerns, and the need for the Band to be registered. Following this Chief Myers discusses some of these issues with Commissioners Erasmus and Robinson.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Calvin Francis, Gander Bay Indian Band

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Calvin Francis, Gander Bay Indian Band. Francis discusses a variety of issues including hunting and fishing rights, relations with the federal and provincial governments, and the history of the Band which was formally incorporated in 1970. Following Francis' presentation is a discussion between him and Commissioners Robinson, Erasmus and Jeddore on some of the issues facing the Band.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Chief Shirley Prosper, Gerald Webb, Corner Brook Band

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Chief Shirley Prosper, and Gerald Webb of the Corner Brook Band. Prosper discusses some issues facing the band in a brief presentation including government recognition, family problems, women's issues, and the need for the establishment of cultural centres to promote the Micmac culture. Following Prosper's presentation Commissioners Erasmus and Robinson engage her in dialogue after which Webb comments on the economic base of the band.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Chief Victor Muse, St. George's Band

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Chief Victor Muse of the St. George's Indian Band Council. Muse discusses the band's history, then goes on to list a variety of concerns. These include: unemployment, illiteracy, the need for education, better social services, revitalization of the Micmac language and culture, infrastructure, self-determination, self-government, and the goal of living in harmony "with Canada and its many people." Following the presentation is a discussion between Muse and Commissioner Erasmus on some of the issues raised.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Gerard Webb, Federation of Newfoundland Indians

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Gerard Webb
File contains a presentation by Mr. Gerard Webb, Federation of Newfoundland Indians. Webb discusses the history of the organization and its court and policy challenges with relation to the federal and provincial governments. Webb also discusses some of the socioeconomic issues facing his constituents such as housing and cultural concerns. The assembled Commissioners engage Mr. Webb in a conversation on some of the points raised. Following this the day's proceedings are adjourned with a Closing Prayer.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Grand Falls Band, Exploits Native Band Council

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by the Grand Falls Band, Exploits Native Band Council. Rosemary Francis Williams and Board of Directors, Ignatius Paul. Williams delivers the first half of the presentation which covers concerns facing the Band including recognition by the Federal and Provincial governments, justice concerns, financial concerns, self-governance, cultural concerns, and Indian Act concerns. Paul relates a personal story to highlight the treatment his people have received from government and to ask that their Aboriginal rights with regard to economic pursuits be recognized.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Nancy Gaudon, Port-Au-Port Indian Band Council

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Nancy Gaudon, Port-au-Port Band. She discusses how the band has no economic base since the fishery collapsed, and lists a variety of concerns including housing, social needs, language issues, economic development, self-determination for off-reserve and Non-status Indians, Education and Historical Identity. Following the presentation Commissioners Erasmus and Robinson discuss some of the issues raised with Gaudon.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Stephenville Crossing Band, Rita Campbell, Greg Lucas, Chief

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Rita Campbell and Chief Greg Lucus of the Stephenville Crossing Indian Band. Campbell presents on the composition of the band, the need for federal recognition, employment problems, a lack of family services, housing concerns, hunting and fishing rights, linguistic and cultural concerns, health concerns, and self-governance. Following this Chief Greg Lucas discusses health and service issues with Commissioner Erasmus, then with Commissioner Robinson and Tony John, including post-secondary education concerns.
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