
Book reviews of: America Is Indian Country: Opinions and Perspectives from Indian Country Today edited by José Barreiro and Tim Johnson. Authentic Indians: Episodes of Encounter from the Late-Nineteenth-Century Northwest Coast by Paige Raibmon. Bibliography of Native American Bibliographies compiled by Phillip M. White. The Boundaries Between Us: Natives and Newcomers Along the Frontiers of the Old Northwest Territory, 1750–1850 edited by Daniel P. Barr. Buried Indians: Digging Up the Past in a Midwestern Town by Laurie Hovell McMillin. The Conquest of Texas: Ethnic Cleansing in the Promised Land, 1820–1875 by Gary Clayton Anderson. The Dall Sheep Dinner Guest: Inupiaq Narratives of Northwest Alaska by Wanni Wibulswasdi Anderson and John Patkuraq Brown. The Indian Chief as Tragic Hero: Native Resistance and the Literatures of America, from Moctezuma to Tecumseh by Gordon M. Sayre. Light on the Path: The Anthropology and History of the Southeastern Indians edited by Thomas J. Pluckhahn and Robbie Franklyn Etheridge. Like the Sound of a Drum: Aboriginal Cultural Politics in Denendeh and Nunavut by Peter Kulchyski. Living with Strangers: The Nineteenth-Century Sioux and the Canadian-American Borderlands by David G. McCrady. Maps of Experience: The Anchoring of Land to Story in Secwepemc Discourse by Andie Diane N. Palmer. Native American Placenames of the United States by William Bright. Oneida Lives: Long-Lost Voices of the Wisconsin Oneidas edited by Herbert S. Lewis. Peoples of the Plateau: The Indian Photographs of Lee Moorhouse, 1898–1915 by Steven L. Grafe. The Shawnees and Their Neighbors 1795–1870 by Stephen Warren. The Shoshone-Bannocks: Culture and Commerce at Fort Hall, 1870–1940 by John W. Heaton. Working the Navajo Way: Labor and Culture in the Twentieth Century by Colleen O’Neill. Writing the Cross Culture: Native Fiction on the White Man’s Religion edited by James Treat. Yupiit Qanruyutait: Yup’ik Words of Wisdom edited by Ann Fienup-Riordan.
Susan Lobo
Colin Ben
Brian Thom
Kenneth Wade
Bob Morrissey
Richard M. Wheelock
Matthew Babcock
Alexis Bunten
Maureen Konkle
Heidi Altman
Katherine Beaty Chiste
et al.
Open Access
Primary Source
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 30, no. 4, 2006, pp. 133-182
Publication Date
Resource Type
Book Reviews
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