Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Darlene Spiedel

File contains a presentation by Darlene Spiedel, Dakota Nations of Canada, Saskatchewan Cultural Centre. Spidel presentes from "two points of view, one from the Dakota/Lakota Nations and the other from the Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre." She discusses Dakota land claims research in Canada, border issues experienced by Dakota/Lakota people, inter-marriage, issues with Bill C-31, self-governance, education, language issues, urban issues, sacred sites (specifically Sitting Bull's last sun dance site in the Wood Mountain, SK, area, and a stone effigy near Avonlea, SK). Spiedel then relates the concerns of the Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre with regards to "preserve the language, culture and history of the Cree, Soto, Dene, Dakota, Nakoda and Lakota people of Saskatchewan." Spidel discusses the structure of the Cultural Centre and its five departments, again highlighting the need for legislation to protect sacred sites. Spiedel discusses the Centre's effort to make a museum, a research study on Aboriginal languages in Saskatchewan, the effort to develop bicultural education programs, funding and staffing issues, libraries. Following the presentation is a discussion between Spiedel and Commissioners Erasmus, Chartrand, and Wilson on the issues raised.
Open Access
Primary Source
Publication Date
University of Saskatchewan Archives, Native Law Centre fonds, Reference Library, RCAP vol. 21 (Box 2); records from Our Legacy site,
First Nation, Metis, Inuit Locations
Resource Type
Documents & Presentations
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